How to install a padel court?

How to install a padel court?

How do you install a padel court? Do I need a professional team for assembly? These questions are asked by our clients, and in this post, we are going to explain how at PadelMagic we assemble padel courts for our clients.

The need to be able to train work teams in different countries around the world is necessary to provide quality service to our clients. Thanks to the work of our engineers and designers, we have developed a series of padel court installation manuals, so that our clients can install it themselves, or so that they can give it to an installation team in their area and in this way they do not lose the opportunity to have their own padel courts, or, in most cases, a PadelMagic team comes to install the court ‘on site’.

montaje pista de padel
Screenshot of a page from the padel court installation manual.

How do PadelMagic clients set up padel courts?

At PadelMagic we advise on the entire assembly process of the client’s padel court. We offer different solutions to be chosen by the client, from a complete assembly by PadelMagic with the movement of the complete equipment to the assembly site, as well as advice on the assembly by moving one or two technicians, according to the client’s requirements. In addition, we have assembly manuals and very complete explanatory videos with a fully explained step by step. Therefore, we leave the assembly option in the hands of the client:

  • Comprehensive assembly with complete team moved (we moved a team of 4 people).
  • Supervised assembly with one or two displaced PadelMagic operators.
  • Advice on step-by-step assembly with local operators, supported by installation video guides.

Padel court assembly video step by step

At PadelMagic we provide our clients with all the necessary manuals and with all the details to assemble the padel court themselves if they require it. We also have video tutorials with a step-by-step guide to assemble the track. We leave nothing to chance.

For more information you can contact us or get a quotation for your padel court project.

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